"You have the Title and Money, but the Stress and Anxiety remain. Now, all you want is Internal Peace."

Earlier in your career, you thought if you could just get that promotion…you would feel you ‘made it.’

If you just got that raise, life would be easier and less stressful.

Promotion after promotion came…

Raise after raise came…

But the stress, anxiety, frustration all stayed with you.

In fact, it’s worse now than it was then.

Now you have employees under you, departments to run, an entire business to run.

All the pressure is on you.

As Naval Ravikant puts it,

"You don’t want to be the guy who succeeds in life while being high-strung, high-stress, and unhappy while leaving a trail of emotional wreckage for you and your loved ones."

This Problem Is As Old As Time

2500 years ago, Siddhartha Gautama realized this problem.

You would know him as Buddha.

His first noble truth was ‘Human Beings Suffer.’

2500 years later, we still don’t teach humans how to not suffer.

Let’s move to the present day though.

Naval Ravikant, an icon in Silicon Valley, a billionaire, founder of AngelList, and successful investor (Uber, Twitter, and hundreds more), is also, maybe most importantly…happy.

Successful and Happy.

And he found happiness before he found wealth.

What Naval teaches us is that “Happiness is a choice you make and a skill you develop.”

You don’t have to go live in a cave or become a monk to achieve this.

True happiness, as Naval explains, “is what’s there when you remove the sense that something is missing in your life.”

It’s about finding peace within yourself, not chasing external validation.

“Peace is happiness at rest, and happiness is peace in motion. You can convert peace into happiness anytime you want. But peace is what you want most of the time. If you’re a peaceful person, anything you do will be a happy activity.”

Imagine being able to face each day with this sense of peace and calm.

Decision making becomes easier.

Life becomes easier.

This is the internal peace I help you achieve through our coaching.

Hi, I'm Matt.

I Coach Successful Professionals.

I’m a Certified Executive Coach (PCC – International Coach Federation) and have managed Leadership Development Programs at a Fortune 500 company for the last 5 years. I’m a former CPA with 15 years of experience as an Accounting & Finance professional.

I had a coach when I went through the two-year Finance Leadership Development Program. My coach helped me dig deeper into myself than I ever imagined was possible. She recommended a book, The Untethered Soul, and I read this:

"You must decide that you want to enjoy your life and that there is no reason for stress, inner pain, or fear. Every day we bear a burden that we should not be bearing. We fear that we are not good enough or that we will fail. We experience insecurity, anxiety, and self-consciousness."

“It is actually possible to never have another problem for the rest of your life.”

“Your daily life can be like a vacation. Work can be fun; family can be fun; you can just enjoy all of it.”

I couldn’t believe no one had taught me this. That one book would change the course of my life.

I still remember the moment I read the last word on the last page of that book.

I set this Intention: If I do nothing else in my life, I will fix my mindset, such that the external world does not control my internal world.

I knew that I had spent my life trying to fix everything in my life externally.

The work I needed to do wasn’t external. The work was internal.

Creating The Reality Model

After going through Coach training, I realized that I still had problems every day. That didn’t make any sense to me. I knew there had to be a way to actually do what Michael Singer wrote about in The Untethered Soul.

Through all of this, I had become a reader of self-help books, philosophy, leadership, business, cognitive behavioral therapy, and both Western and Eastern spiritual teachings. They were all pointing in a similar direction. But I needed something more.

I spent thousands of hours in my office in the early mornings. Reading hundreds of books, pondering, examining my life, thoughts, feelings, and actions. I was also Coaching others through their journey in the Leadership Development Programs.

I had seen other models that coaches had developed. But they didn’t seem to integrate everything I had learned.

So I created my own called The Reality Model – a culmination of all the books I had read. It empowers you in any situation by understanding what you can control. It helps you create self-awareness, remove limiting beliefs, and fix every problem at its root. It ties Western beliefs with Eastern beliefs – Empowerment + Awareness.

What You’ll Get with 1:1 Coaching

Let’s start with what you won’t get.

You won’t get the ‘7 Tips for Managing Stress.’

You won’t get one-size-fits-all solutions or temporary fixes that fade away once life gets hectic again.

These things try to minimize stress after it has already occurred.

We get to the root of the problem.

Why is stress there in the first place? In what situations does stress arrive? Who is involved in these stressful situations?

We solve the problem at the root so the stress does not come up in the first place.

Here’s how we do it:

  • Personalized Support: We begin with the acute problems in your life. No pre-set topics — focused conversation to understand where you are and what you need.
  • Coaching Sessions: We will meet twice a month (zoom or phone) for 60-minute sessions.
  • Core Reality Model Program: You will receive my core Reality Model training with individual support by me. This enhances Emotional Intelligence and Self-Awareness and is the basis of my coaching.
  • Additional Text or Email Support: You can email or text me at any time if you need additional support between our sessions.

We work together on a monthly retainer rather than a per-session fee. This retainer covers our coaching sessions, my prep time, follow-ups, and any support in between sessions. No contracts. I ask for a minimum 3-month commitment to ensure we have adequate time and space to work together.

You have the External Success…Now let’s give you the Internal Success.

I’ve coached dozens of professionals over the last five years. 

Here’s what a few of them have to say:

The coaching helped me gain self-awareness and be a happier person…

"The coaching helped me gain a lot of self-awareness, which is making me a better and more well-rounded professional, to have a healthier relationship with my work, overcome difficulties, and most importantly, to be a happier person."

The coaching has personally changed my life for the better…

"The guidance you give to help us grow as leaders and personally for me has changed my life. Your passion and drive in the area of personal development can’t really be measured, so I just wanted to take a moment to recognize how much I value this part of the program and your impact."

The coaching made our teams better…

"Well deserved recognition for the excellent work that Matt does. Thanks for making our teams better!"

Let’s Get Started

Click the ‘Schedule Call’ button to book a call, or fill out the form below to get in touch directly.


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