"Are Your Employees Struggling to Develop the Soft Skills Needed to be More Effective and Ready for the Next Level?"

Managers of Accounting and Finance Professionals…

Hi it’s Matt Goswick,

I want to address a common problem many managers face with their teams.

Do they have all the hard skills they need, but you continuously give feedback on soft skills?

Are they frustrated (which frustrates you!) because they want the exact steps to get promoted to the next level?

Do your employees seek feedback but never come to you with a detailed, well-thought-out written development plan?

If the answer is yes, please read on if you want clarity on why they struggle with soft skills and actionable steps they need to excel.

What Directors and VPs often tell me

When I meet with Accounting and Finance Directors and VPs they often will say,

“Matt, my people have the hard skills, they need the soft skills so I can promote them.” 

So what exactly are Soft Skills?

Soft Skills refer to your social ability and how you relate to and interact with other people.

Soft Skills are the true 'Game-Changers'

Image courtesy of g2.com

They aren’t really sure how to improve these soft skills, what to work on, or even where to start.

As their Manager, you may give them feedback about a specific situation.

However, they then generalize it into the soft skills words they need to acquire. 

These include: Communication, Presentations, Executive Presence, Empathy, Conflict Resolution, Collaboration, Confidence, Influencing, and Leadership skills.

Now they Google that term with “How to improve ________”, or they take a LinkedIn Learning course. 

They probably won’t get much out of the typical soft skill training courses. 

That’s because the course is too general.

The general course does not address the specific skills they need.

They may feel like they learned during the course. The teacher may have been motivating and inspiring.

But when they encounter the next situation it is difficult to put that into practice.

The soft skill training courses don’t teach that there are two vital components of Soft Skills.

And these are:

Framework – The step-by-step system or method of the soft skill

Emotional Intelligence – The mindset behind the soft skill

Most of my coaching clients find that the frameworks are easy.

They can learn these by reading a book, using Google, YouTube, or LinkedIn Learning. These are frameworks like ‘5-Step Framework for Having a Difficult Conversation’ or ‘How to Tell a Story in a Business Presentation.’

It’s the Emotional Intelligence and the Mindset behind all these soft skills that are the most difficult. 

Emotional Intelligence is your ability to:

  1. Understand, use, and manage your own thoughts and emotions in empowering ways – and more importantly…
  2. Recognize others’ emotions, show empathy, navigate difficult situations, mitigate conflict, and communicate effectively

So why is this so important for them to know and understand in their everyday work?

If they walk into a ‘difficult conversation’ and they are nervous or they don’t want that person to not ‘like them’ then they will sugarcoat the conversation or trip over words as they are trying to apply the framework they’ve been taught. 

It won’t come across as authentic to them. They will feel it and the other person will too.

You see, Emotional Intelligence is the foundation of all Soft Skills.

Why Improved Soft skills are the Key to Career Advancement

Their level of Soft Skills and Emotional Intelligence determines how quickly they advance in their career.

"Emotional intelligence — the ability to understand your effect on others and manage yourself accordingly—accounts for nearly 90 percent of what moves people up the ladder when IQ and technical skills are roughly similar."

So how do you improve soft skills?

Before I give you the answer, let me share a piece of my journey.

Hi, I'm Matt.

I Coach Accounting, Analytics & Finance Professionals.

I’m a Certified Executive Coach (PCC – International Coach Federation) and have managed Leadership Development Programs at a Fortune 500 company for the last 5 years. I’m a former CPA with 15 years of experience as an Accounting & Finance professional.

My passion is Human Transformation. The individual’s journey of self-discovery, personal & career growth, and self-actualization.

I see a future where companies care deeply about the transformation of the humans that work there every day. Not just providing training that gives surface level knowledge. But true deep transformation of the Human Being.

I went through the same two-year Finance Leadership Development Program myself before becoming a Coach. 

In that program, my coach helped me dig deeper into myself than I ever imagined was possible. During this time I realized that I loved the people aspect of my job more than dealing with numbers. 

I’ve now coached dozens of Analytics, Accounting, and Finance Professionals. I talk to Directors, Senior Directors, and VPs specifically to get feedback about how they want to see their people develop.

I had to find a personalized solution for the coaching clients that needed a specific soft skill that is not often covered in many training courses.

I’m not the only one that believes this.

"Far too many training programs that intend to build leadership skills - including - emotional intelligence - are a waste of time and money…To enhance emotional intelligence, organizations must refocus their training…it requires an individualized approach."

That’s why I developed The Reality Model Program

The Reality Model Program is my premier training program and is custom-tailored to your team’s individual development needs. 

It’s for people who want to gain the soft skills and emotional intelligence they need to achieve their career advancement and life goals and want the personalized guidance of an Executive Coach.

Work with me and your employees will…

🌟 Gain Clear Direction in Their Career: Feel empowered with a personalized Development Plan tailored to their unique aspirations, minimizing career uncertainties and confusion

🎯 Align with You as Their Manager: Get sign-off on their Development Plan from both you, as their Manager, and your Manager (skip-level manager), ensuring they’re focused on what will get them to the next level

🎯 Targeted Soft Skill Development: Dive deep into the soft skills they need by targeting the Framework and the Emotional Intelligence needed for their growth

💡 Emotional Intelligence Mastery: They will elevate their self-awareness and enrich their emotional intelligence so they resonate and connect with peers and superiors on their level

🤝 Deeper Career Conversations: Engage in deeper career discussions with you, as their Manager, and your Manager (skip-level), reinforcing their trajectory and vision for growth

🤗 Executive Coach Guidance: They will never feel alone in their professional growth journey. A Certified Executive Coach offers supportive guidance every step of the way.

I’ve trained dozens of accounting and finance professionals over the last five years. 

Here’s what a few of them have to say:

The coaching made our teams better…

"Well deserved recognition for the excellent work that Matt does. Thanks for making our teams better!"

The program is having a significantly positive impact…

"Great to see that this program is having a significantly positive impact on our employees."

The coaching has personally changed my life for the better…

"The guidance you give to help us grow as leaders and personally for me has changed my life. Your passion and drive in the area of personal development can’t really be measured, so I just wanted to take a moment to recognize how much I value this part of the program and your impact."

The Reality Model Program

The Reality Model Program gives your employees everything they need to achieve their career advancement and life goals

When you enroll them in the program, they will receive step-by-step instruction on how to write their own Development Plan. They will have the tools they need to break soft skills into the Framework and the Emotional Intelligence to speed up the development of those skills. 

They will learn how to get approval from you as their Manager and your Manager (skip-level) on their Development Plan. This way they will know exactly what you want to see from them to get to the next level.

They will develop their Emotional Intelligence and know how to use it effectively in the workplace.

They will have access to Weekly Group Coaching calls where I coach on their Development Plans. Together, we can deep dive into those soft skills to ensure they are on the right path.

They can join these calls when they would like feedback and when their schedule allows, no need to join every week.

They can submit questions through the “Ask The Coach” form and I will answer them privately via email or on the weekly calls. 

They will have access to a private online community of professionals who are developing their own plans and soft skills. Interact and learn from them in a no-judgment environment. 

They also get lifetime access to the program material. 

There’s no pressure. They can learn at their own pace. They can easily pick the program up and begin where they left off. I want to ensure they get the most out of their experience. 

Most importantly, the personalized coaching experience is what is critical to ensuring success.

The Reality Model Program is my premier training program. It’s for people who need to gain the soft skills and emotional intelligence they need to achieve their career advancement and life goals. 

Life-changing impact on me and my family…

“I am a much different person now, both as an individual and as a leader, and the paradigm shift I've gone through after only half-way through the program has already made a life-changing impact on me and my family.”

What You Get When You Enroll In The Reality Model Program

Remember, when you enroll them in the program, they will receive step-by-step instruction and my coaching to complete their development plan.

They will get: 

  • Practical steps for writing their own Development Plan and how to complete it. 
  • Learn how to talk to you as their Manager and your Manager (skip-level) to get approval on their written Development Plan.
  • Tools that teach them how to break soft skills into the Framework and Emotional Intelligence to fast-track their development.
  • Weekly Group Coaching calls with me as I coach them on their Development Plan.
  • They can submit questions through the “Ask The Coach” form and I will answer them privately via email or on the weekly calls.
  • Interact and learn from a private online community of professionals who are developing their own plans and soft skills in a no-judgment setting.
  • Develop their emotional intelligence and know how to use it effectively in the workplace.

Learn at their own pace with lifetime access to the program material.

What is my investment today?

Your investment is only $2k per person

📚 The One Page Development Plan – Personal training to help your employees craft their development plan, how to get your approval as their Manager and your Manager’s (skip-level) approval so they know exactly what soft skills they need to develop.

🧠 The Core Reality Model Program – They will get everything they need to know to get to the core emotional intelligence and self-awareness needed for the soft skills you want them to improve. From understanding the basic concepts to how to apply these soft skills in their daily work, career advancement, and personal life.

💼 Weekly Group Coaching Calls & 1:1 Support – They will enjoy weekly office hours as I answer questions and provide personalized guidance. I will review their Development Plan and Reality Models so they are always on track.

📖 The Reality Model Workbook – A comprehensive workbook guides them step by step so they always know what’s next. The Workbook breaks down each lesson into easy-to-follow actionable exercises. They will receive self-development tools to ensure they are applying what they are learning so they gain the soft skills quickly and efficiently.

🎓 Ask The Coach Platform – They will get personalized coaching from a Certified Executive Coach throughout the program. They can submit their development plan for expert feedback, ask questions, and discuss specific situations requiring Emotional Intelligence.

🚀 Reality Model and Development Plan Templates – They will use frameworks and proven templates to help them create, implement, and track their development plan to ensure their success.

🔑 Lifetime Access to the Program Material – The Program is always there as the rhythms in their world in Accounting and Finance evolve. After they reach that next level, they can update their Development Plan again so they can continue to grow!

It’s time to make a valuable investment in your team and their future.

When you invest in your team and work with The Reality Model Program, they will have all the self-development tools, insights, and personalized Executive Coaching guidance they need to succeed and enhance their soft skills and emotional intelligence.

Enjoy lifetime access to the program material

Lifetime access means that they can engage with the program training at their pace. 

Whether they are in the middle of a hectic monthly close or in a quieter period, the program material is there for them when they are ready to proceed with their personal development plan.

Pick it up, set it down, and revisit it when they need to. It’s a lifelong resource tailored to the ebb and flow of their career.

Frequently Asked Questions…

  1. Who is this program for?
Answer: This program is for professionals in Accounting and Finance who are looking to advance their team’s careers, create a personalized development plan, and develop soft skills and emotional intelligence. Whether they are a seasoned professional or a few years into their career, the program offers value for various career stages.  If they recently graduated and are starting their first job, the hard skills are going to be important for them to focus on. This program will help with the soft skills and emotional intelligence. Their Development Plan can include both the hard skills they need and the soft skills too.
  1. What if my team is not in Accounting or Finance? Can it help?
Answer: This program is designed for Accounting and Finance professionals, but the skills they will learn can help anyone in the corporate world. Having a solid Development Plan with Soft Skills and Emotional intelligence are important in any field. I’ve seen how these skills work across different areas. So yes, this program can definitely help, no matter what job they are in.
  1. How long does the program take to complete?
Answer: The program works with their busy schedule in mind. With lifetime access to the program material, they can complete it at their own pace. While they can complete it in a matter of weeks, they can spread it out as their schedule allows. The real work happens out in the world as they practice the mindsets and emotional intelligence that they learned in the course. Luckily, every day is a chance to practice this!
  1. What if they have questions during the program?
If they have questions or need guidance during the program, there are many ways to get help. Weekly Group Coaching Calls: They can join me for weekly office hours where I’ll answer any questions and provide coaching on their Development Plans and Reality Models. It’s a great opportunity to learn from other’s experiences and get personalized feedback. Ask The Coach: If they need more one-on-one help, they can access the ‘Ask The Coach’ feature. They can submit their Development Plan for expert feedback, ask questions, and discuss specific situations requiring Emotional Intelligence. Whether they prefer live interaction or personalized support, I’ve got them covered.
  1. What does lifetime access really mean?
Lifetime access means that they will have access to the program material. If I ever shut down the course, they will receive a link to download the videos and material. Support is provided through the Group Coaching Calls, Ask The Coach forms, and other Support methods. These will be available for as long as I run the course in this manner. 
  1. How do I know if this program is right for my team?
Answer: I offer a free 30-minute 1:1 Zoom call to discuss your individual team’s needs and see if the program is a good fit. You can book a call through this link.

The Reality Model Program Will Transform Your Team

Your team’s hard skills are essential, but they’re only part of the equation.

What sets employees apart is their ability to demonstrate soft skills and emotional intelligence. 

These essential soft skills enable your team members to communicate more effectively, build stronger relationships, lead larger teams and multiple departments, and navigate complex workplace situations.

That’s what you really want, isn’t it? 

These skills are easily learnable. When you invest in your team and enroll them in The Reality Model Program, they will develop these essential soft skills in a structured and supportive environment. 

Your team will have access to my experience as an Executive Coach and they will craft a personalized development plan focused on increasing their emotional intelligence, enhancing their soft skills in a way that aligns with their career goals and your company’s goals.

The Reality Model Program will help your employees, not just by teaching theories but by providing actionable tools and ongoing support to ensure they apply what they’ve learned. 

Investing in your team’s development through expert-level training and personalized coaching will make their development process much more efficient and effective. 

It’s time to invest in your team’s future. 

Let’s work together to transform your team.  


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