Matt Goswick

My Thoughts in your inbox

Wisdom and practicality to help you transform your career and life…one thought at a time. Once a week or less.

The Moment Your New Journey Begins

The patterns of your mind
are as unique as your DNA.

8 billion humans on Earth.
8 billion unique patterns of their minds.

And though each human’s patterns are unique to them
there are similarities when you see them.

By ‘pattern of your mind,’
I mean the way you see and perceive,
your thoughts, your feelings, your memories,
your understanding, your beliefs.

The patterns shape what you believe is reality.
The patterns create a lens through which you perceive other people and the world.
The patterns guide your actions and your reactions.

It’s why you find yourself frustrated when someone
doesn’t act the way you expect or act the way you would act.

You then wonder why another person can’t see things as clearly as you do.
Why another person doesn’t have any ‘common sense.’

It’s because there isn’t a set of common
seeing, perceiving, thinking, feeling,
remembering, understanding, believing.

Each pattern reflects the individual’s personal journey thus far in life.

A new journey begs to be travelled.

The moment you start to see your individual pattern is the moment your new journey begins.


As a Coach, I help you see your individual patterns.

Reach out when you are ready for your new journey.

Who Is Matt Goswick?

Executive Coach for Accounting & Finance Professionals

I help you embrace Emotional Intelligence & Inner Peace so you can achieve Career Success & Personal Fulfillment on your own terms

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