Matt Goswick

My Thoughts in your inbox

Wisdom and practicality to help you transform your career and life…one thought at a time. Once a week or less.

The Problems of Your Mind

Humans think they have 99 problems…
but they only have 1.

What is the one problem?
The only problem is that they have problems.

Let’s define the word ‘problem.’
Google – Oxford Dictionary:

‘A matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt with and overcome.’
‘A thing that is difficult to achieve or accomplish.’

When a human wakes up every day, there is a split second, maybe two, where no problems exist.
It doesn’t take long for the mind to recall all the problems from yesterday that still exist today.
They come flooding back.

Yet we wonder why people feel so much stress and anxiety every day.
They believe that they have ‘unwelcome and harmful matters that need to be dealt with.
They believe that ‘a thing is difficult.’
That turns into ‘every day life is difficult.’

How could you not feel stress and anxiety if that is what you believe every day?

Solve the one problem and the other 99 go away.

Who Is Matt Goswick?

Executive Coach for Accounting & Finance Professionals

I help you embrace Emotional Intelligence & Inner Peace so you can achieve Career Success & Personal Fulfillment on your own terms

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