Matt Goswick

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Chasing Achievements

A human will chase achievements their entire life.
It starts innocently enough.
An ‘A’ in school.
Winning a game in sports.
Praise from Mom or Dad on the latest achievement.
Achievements pile up.
A mile high of achievements.
Then high school and college achievements.

Now it’s work.
Some early wins.
More achievements.
The years move on and achievements pile up.

But one day, you realize the achievements aren’t enough.
The achievements aren’t giving you lasting satisfaction.
They gave brief glimpses of happiness.
But nothing that lasted.

“What did all these achievements give me?” you ask.
Unfulfilled. Stuck. Stressed. Anxious.
Waiting for the next achievement.

Humans chase achievements to feel a feeling.
The achievement was the surrogate for happiness.
You thought the achievements would bring a feeling of having arrived at a place of ‘I made it.’
Lasting satisfaction.
Inner calm.
Inner peace.

Satisfaction, happiness, inner calmness, inner peace, do not come from the achievement.

The ultimate achievement in life is Happiness, Inner Calmness, and Inner Peace.

The question to ask is:
‘Do I want to live my life feeling stressed and anxious most of the time with brief moments of happiness?’
‘Do I want to live my life feeling happy, calm, and fulfilled with inner peace no matter what achievement I achieve?’

Who Is Matt Goswick?

Executive Coach for Accounting & Finance Professionals

I help you embrace Emotional Intelligence & Inner Peace so you can achieve Career Success & Personal Fulfillment on your own terms

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